AGS is an educational and training consultancy that deals with:
International internship programs (international hotel and river cruise),
Students exchange program & Faculty program,
Professional Immersion Program (PIP)
Hospitality Immersion Program overnight stay in Hotel, (HIP)
Study Abroad Program,
Nursing Pathway Program in Europe for FREE and job opportunity after graduation.
Foreign students pursuing an education in the Philippines.

AGS would like to present to you an Academic Bridging Program for students taking up HRM, Tourism, Culinary, or other major Bachelor courses with the objective of further enhancing the quality of education and to support the country’s educational goals.
To improve the capability of public and private Higher Educational Institutions to equip students with the required skills and competencies for national development and to prepare them for gainful employment or entrepreneurship.
Improve global competitiveness of graduates by ensuring quality education.
To be at part with the best in Asia and eventually the world.
AGS structured International Program that develops student's and graduates professional and technical competence in various frontline occupations in preparation for leadership responsibilities in hotels and resorts. This also provides cooperating training professionally with an opportunity to make a sound evaluation of potential students and graduates for future employment. AGS Program will also provide students and graduates with experiences and challenges beyond the general frontline work experience.
Who We Are
Our team is composed of individuals who have extensive experience in local and international hospitality program implementation and also course and curriculum development;
Our team is also composed of professional and internationally-experienced individuals, and hoteliers with vast hotels, restaurants, cruise ships’ background;
We have highly-qualified instructors with extensive experience in training, mentoring, guiding and leading large teams within hotel & restaurant establishments and on board cruise vessels;
Our groups also have vast years of experience in managing and operating various food and beverage outlets (here and abroad) to the highest level of international hospitality program delivery.
Our groups operates and owned a hospitality training and International programs for the last 6 years.
Our Vision
Envisions to be a model of hospitality and on the job training service with enhanced philosophies by producing globally-competitive and successful graduates with highly-developed Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes (KSA) to competently excel in this specific industry
Our Mission
Committed to provide holistic academic and training programs that are relevant, industry-driven and competency-based education and training, through knowledge enhancement, skills development and values integration to meet the challenges of the global hospitality environment.
Our Principles
To become the premier world-class integrated educational service provider here and abroad. To be recognized as a quality-driven consultancy services; business-centered on servicing our client relationships with stakeholders and shareholders, and our professional project management expertise.